The accommodation that you live in is not provided free of charge. It is important that you understand fully when and how your rent is paid.
Remember you have signed a legally binding tenancy agreement which entitles the landlord to seek legal remedies for loss of rent. This may be after an eight week period of rent arrears where the landlord would be entitled to serve a Notice Requiring Possession of the dwelling.
The correct procedure must be followed but you should be aware that landlords will often pursue loss of rent through a Small Claims Court if deemed necessary.
Make sure that if your landlord, or landlords representative, is going to collect rental cheques on a termly or monthly basis that everyone knows who that person is and that you have full details of the date and time when they will be visiting.
Speak to your landlord if you are experiencing financial difficulties or your student loan is delayed.
For those of you who have chosen to live in private sector accommodation there may be times when you would like advice and guidance on your housing rights.
Through LSH you can gain access to support through the Private Sector Housing Rights Advice Worker. The advisor works across all three universities but is available for drop in sessions in the Guild of Students ‘The Street’ usually on Tuesdays from 10:00am or call into the LSH office on Fridays. You can get access to support and advice on your contract, tenancy deposits, disrepair, rent arrears, illegal eviction and harassment, homelessness, tenant disputes, landlord negotiation, complaints and legal action.
The Private Sector Advisor is available to see students for drop in sessions and appointments, you can contact him by emailing advice2u@liverpool.ac.uk or telephoning 07970 247 209. All advice given is free, confidential and impartial.
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