Merseyside is a safe place to live, work, visit and study. Merseyside Police are working hard to tackle crime and disorder. In fact Merseyside is one of the safest metropolitan areas in England and Wales with lower levels of recorded crime than similar police forces.
Merseyside Police covers the areas of Wirral, Sefton, Knowsley, St Helens and Liverpool. Each of theses areas is split up into Neighbourhoods that are policed by a Neighbourhood Team led by a Neighbourhood Inspector.
Details of the Neighbourhood Team that police the area you live in can be found on the Merseyside Police website: www.merseyside.police.uk.
The website contains lots of useful information about what is happening in your area and details such as crime prevention advice, force policies and details of people wanted by the force. It will also tell you how to contact Merseyside Police and your Neighbourhood team, but if you do not have access to the internet, please telephone 0151 709 6010 for further details.
Merseyside Police recognise the student population reflects the wider community so is very diverse in its make up and consists of a wide range of different diverse groups.
Unfortunately, there are instances when people from minority groups are subject to unacceptable or inappropriate behaviour, threats or even worse. In most instances this will be categorised as a Hate Crime. It is very important to Merseyside Police that such incidents are reported. In the unlikely event of you becoming a victim of crime and, in particular, a Hate Crime, you are encouraged to report such incidents to the Police. Hate Crime is defined as:
Hate Crimes are investigated vigorously by Merseyside Police’s Sigma Hate Crime Investigation Teams. Superintendent Rowley Moore who heads the Force Community Engagement Team said: “Merseyside Police recognises the impact Hate Crimes can have on victims and communities, we at Merseyside Police take the reporting and investigation of such crimes extremely seriously”.
We want the message to be clear to both victims and offenders that offences motivated by someone’s Disability, Race, Religion or faith, Sexual Orientation or Transgender will not be tolerated and will be robustly investigated by the forces Sigma Teams. “Remember – If you witness it or experience Hate Crime – Report it.”
If you’ve been affected by hate crime, you may need help, support or practical information. This can include anything from emotional support and counselling to financial advice, help with housing, crime prevention information or legal guidance.
Victim Care Merseyside is a comprehensive, dedicated support website for victims of crime in Merseyside. It contains the details of the many groups which offer support and services to help you cope and recover. It is designed so you can search for information by the type of crime you have been affected by and also by geographical area, to make it as easy as possible for you to find the services you need.
This service is free, impartial and available to everyone regardless of whether a crime has been reported to the police or not, or when the crime happened. Simply visit www.victimcaremerseyside.org
Remember only use 999 in an emergency. If you require the Police for a non-emergency situation please ring 101.
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